Densen - BEAT B 200
Welcome to the world of high-end devices, because the Densen B200 certainly belongs to this class. After the years have passed, older audio devices still enjoy an unquestionably good reputation among music lovers. Rather, it is aimed at a niche market, because such is the group audiophiles Densen has received many laurels in his day. For many, it is at the forefront of good preamplifiers, a product with an indicator of good sound, standing not far from favorites such as the good-natured legendary Yamaha C2X, Mcintosh, Primare, Bryston, Luxman if Audio Research. Something that catches the eye and distinguishes Densen is the characteristic silver or gold volume potentiometer (depending on the version) put forward.
The aluminum housing is composed of separate elements bolted together. Very stiff, but very susceptible to scratches. The front is simple and minimalist. There are 4 buttons and a volume potentiometer and two small windows designed to control the pre-amp from the remote control, which unfortunately is not included in the set. Small LEDs located above the volume control signal the device's readiness for operation and the selected input. In the "STAND-BY" mode, the orange LED located in the middle of the volume control is illuminated. When we enter the operating mode, depending on which input/output we have selected, the backlight will be a red diode, the only exception is the input/output of the external processor, which is signaled by a green diode. We can connect up to 4 power amplifiers to the Beat-B200 or use the free pre-outs to connect, for example, two active subwoofers. The mains output for the power cable has a certain disadvantage, there are fuses located too close, which with a standard power plug are not a problem with connecting the power cable, so with high-end cables they may not be able to be connected. Fortunately, there is a remedy for this, the IEC angle adapter. The preamplifier has a port marked as LINK - it is used to connect the B-200 with its stablemate, the B-300XS power amplifier.
Beat's sound is smooth and well separated from each other. You do not feel any coloration of any frequency range, except for the treble, something that the B-200 is already known for. The treble is different than that of the competition, I would not say bad or extremely good, I would rather focus on the details, and at the same time smooth and shiny. The cymbals sound velvety, but are also well accentuated and do not lose their vigor, which is something many people like about Densen. The rest of the band is arranged like on a real stage, the instruments are clear and you can easily locate which musician is standing where. The bass is fast, tight, with an appropriate scale and dynamics, it adds a concert character to the music. The vocals are not nasal, but silky, they have the right texture to be able to feel the vocal cords of the singer. Guitars sound pearl-like, not bright or muffled. In music where the violin is played, you can feel the texture of the wood and the pull of the bow on the strings, and the bass from the double bass or cello resounds in many overtones, so that you can feel the size of this instrument. In fast rock and roll music, Densen does not get lost, maybe he is slightly behind the winners, but not enough to outclass him in this music genre, but certainly in the price range. It maintains good timing and dynamics, making the legs start to dance themselves.
A stylish minimalist design with a preserved sound culture is a high class audiophile audio track. Connected to a well-matched set, it provides an exciting music experience, just like live music. Valued by music lovers for outstanding stereophony and detail, giving the music a warm character. Worth listening, even in high-class audio.
Technical Specifications
Inputs and outputs:
4 line inputs
4 pairs of preamplifier outputs
2 webbing loops
Size: 444 x 310 x 64mm
Libra: 8 Kg
Prepared by: Łabędź Przemysław